Uploading Documents

Manage your document repository, associate documents to assets and entities, and turn documents into data.

Why do we care about documents?

Documents are the source of truth on just about everything in your life and your family office. You can store a wide variety of documents in Copia, and depending how you catalogue them, they will show up in a variety of places. For example, you may want to upload something like an investment policy statement, and have it associated with your children's trust entity. We also use documents as a source of transactional data. For example, a distribution statement includes data that can be used to generate income transactions. 

Documents stored in Copia can be associated with entities, assets or managers, depending on your intentions.

Documents in the Back Office:

You can manage your documents in both the front and back office. In the back office, visit the Documents tab on the main menu. docs upload 938

  1. Secondary Navigation: The always-present nav is used to cycle through the functionality of the Documents page.
  2. Search: Used to find any document in the system. Uses the file name as the search parameter.
  3. Edit Selected: You can select one or many documents at the same time. For example you can assign one or many documents to an asset, batch download files, or assign a tag to many documents at once.
  4. Filename: The name of the uploaded file.
  5. Received: The date the document was uploaded to Copia.
  6. Date: The date listed on the file itself. For example the date a capital call was issued.
  7. AI/ML State: All documents in Copia are processed by machine learning (ML). The AI/ML State indicates what the machine learning is doing with the document. There are seven states:
    1. New: A document has just arrived in the system and no action is taken.
    2. Received: ML has queued the document.
    3. Processing: ML is in the process of scanning the document.
    4. Processed: ML has completed its scanning of the document.
    5. Done: ML has done everything it can with the document.
    6. Bypass: A document was not scanned, for whatever reason.
    7. Attention: Something is wrong or requires manual processing.
  8. Status: Status represents the stage of the document once it is handed over from the ML to administrator. This is useful in understanding whether or not a particular document requires manual intervention or not. Some documents will be automatically processed, and some will require human oversight. There are ten statuses:
    1. In Progress: Currently being run through the system.
    2. Ready for Review: It is processed, by requires human intervention.
    3. Data Verified: The data is automatically confirmed, accurate, and processed.
    4. Duplicate: This document is already in the system. Manual intervention required.
    5. Storage Only: The file will live as storage, the ML will do nothing with it.
    6. Unprocessable: The system was unable to do anything with the document.
    7. Incomplete: Some processing occurred, but something went wrong.
    8. Password Required: The document is password protected and cannot proceed.
    9. Spam: Spam rejected by the system and is not processed.
    10. Anomaly: The system has detected something unusual about the document. An example of an anomaly would be dates not matching, wire instructions being inconsistent, etc.
  9. Primary Association: This is where you want the document to show up elsewhere in Copia. Documents can be associated with Entities, Assets, Managers, Holdings or Accounts. You can use tags to ensure the document shows up where it is needed, but all documents must have a primary association.
  10. Document Type: The document type tells the system what form fields and data should be present for a particular document. This is useful for training the system but also manually processing data from documents.
  11. Filter by Tag: This filters the list of documents shown by tag. It is especially useful for quickly accessing files associated with a particular asset, or files that were imported from a Zip.
  12. Upload Documents: By clicking on this button you will have the opportunity to upload the document into Copia

Data Ingestion for Documents uploaded to the Back Office: 

One of the main advantages of uploading documents is that Copia's Machine Learning capability can read and analyze documents to extract data for a specific asset. To utilize this feature, all you have to do is upload a document and navigate to the Data Ingestion tab.

Data Ingestion Screenshot

1. Document Type: Choose the appropriate document type for the document. This selection will enable Copia to generate specific fields for data ingestion. Examples of document types include K-1s, Subscription Agreements, LPAs, and more.

2.Holding: Each document includes information related to a holding. To ensure that Copia generates accurate information, you need to select the appropriate holding from the menu. 

3. Reprocess ML: Clicking this button will prompt Machine Learning to reprocess the document and extract any new or updated information.

4. Save: Clicking the Save button allows you to save the information stored in the document. However, it does not initiate the process of ingesting the data.

5. Save and Publish: By clicking the Save and Publish button, you not only save the information stored in the document but also initiate the process of ingesting the data into Copia. In other words, turning the data into transactional information.

Documents in the Front Office:

Ali Front Office Docs

You can access and view documents in the Front Office. To do this, go to the Office view on the left-hand side and click on the Documents tab. Here, you will find a list of all the documents associated with the Office. These documents provide information about the date they were added, their association, and their type. It's important to note that documents can be associated with entities, assets, managers, holdings, or accounts.

To add a document in the Front Office, click on the +Add Documents button located in the top right corner above the table of documents. This will prompt you to upload your document and add it to the system, but you cannot process transactional information from documents in the front office (yet).