Compare Asset Allocations to Target Allocations
The Allocations & Comparables lens lets you study your portfolio allocation breakdown, compare your portfolio configuration to several industry benchmarks, and create your own custom target allocations. You can compare individual entities to your allocations, which is helpful when creating entity specific strategies / targets.
You can draw the chart by % breakdown or by $ value using the segment controller in the top right.
Out of the box, each office includes three default target allocations. These Include:
- Harvard's Endowment Fund
- Tiger 21 Members Portfolio Survey Results
- Yale's Endowment Fund
Adding/Editing a Custom Target Allocation
You can create your own Custom Allocation by clicking "Customer Allocation" in the top right. You can create as many Custom Target Allocations as you like, and it's good practice to regularly review the target allocations.
The custom target allocation can also include a snapshot date, which can be valuable when tracking the make up of a portfolio over time.
In order to add a Custom Target Allocation give it a name and a date to begin with and then add percentage amounts for each Asset Class.
Remember the total percentage must add up to 100%.
Once you fill out the fields, you will be able to see your Target Allocation in the Yellow Dropdown menu ready for use.
Viewing Assets
Clicking on an Asset Class, provides you with a list of the specific assets that make up that particular Asset Class. This list will include the respective percentages of each asset within the Asset Class or Portfolio, as well as the total market value of the asset.