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Illiquid Breakdown Lens

Get an overview of all your illiquid assets across all relevant asset classes.

Illiquid Breakdown

The Illiquid Breakdown lens allows you to view information regarding your Illiquid Assets Market Value/Net Investment, Gain/Loss and Net IRR. Illiquid investments refer to assets that cannot be quickly or easily converted into cash without significantly impacting their value.Lenses - Illiquid Breakdown

1.Asset Class - A list of asset classes that fall under the definition of Illiquid Investments. These include: 

    • Operating Companies
    • Venture Capital 
    • Private Equity 
    • Angel & Direct
    • Real Estate - Direct
    • Hedge Funds 

2. Estimated Value - Refers to the current market value of the illiquid assets in the given asset class/asset.

3. Net Investment - Refers to how much total has been invested into the Illiquid Asset/Asset Class

4. Total Gain/Loss- The difference between Estimated Value and Net Investment.

5. Net IRR - The Net Internal Rate of Return for each asset. The Net IRR is simply the IRR after adjusting for fees and carried interest.