Data Model

A high level look at how data flows.

High Level Data Model
  • Entities - Everything in Copia roles up to an entity. An entity can have sub-entities, and store documents. Building the entity map is often the starting point when using Copia.
  • Accounts - Accounts can mean a handful of things. They can be connected accounts, such as bank or brokerage accounts, or they can be "virtual", which is what we use for accounting purposes. All assets require the use of an account.

A good starting point is to create a Virtual Account for every Entity in your map.

  • Managers - Managers act as a rollup for assets, documents, and contact information. They can be based on institutions, individuals, or a mix.
  • Assets - Assets store the basic information about an investment, such as the type, currency, tags, documents and domiciled country. An asset requires a holding to be useful. Assets can have many holdings spanning managers, entities and accounts.
  • Holdings - Holdings are where assets come to life. Holdings represent the relationships between managers, trigger whether capital calls occur, and make the connection between accounts and the day-to-day data flow. They are also where transactions and market observations are recorded.

Data Logic Mental Model

  • Entities create structure
    • Transactions are used to calculate Metrics
      • Transactions live inside Accounts, which associate with Holdings and Entities
        • Holdings live inside Assets
          • Assets bundle up to Managers