Adding Assets/Holdings

Assets and Holdings are the DNA of the portfolio.

There are three ways to add an Asset within Copia:

  • In the back office, manually
  • Imported via spreadsheet
  • Added by an institutional connection

Best Practices

  • Remember that transactions and market values are stored in holdings 
  • Holdings are often used to differentiate ownership (for example a real estate deal where several entities have contributed to the deal) 
  • Holdings can also be used to distinguish GP, LP or Fees on an asset, or to represent different stakes in an asset

Adding Assets Manually

In order to add an asset, go to the back office and navigate to the assets page, and select "add asset"asset

Next, fill in some basic details about the asset. At a minimum, you'll need to select an asset class and give your asset a name. It's good practice to use short names, but you can change these at any time. When ready, click Publish Changes.

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Adding the Holding

Once an asset is created, you need to give it a holding. Remember, holdings are what gives an Asset life. Transactions are stored in holdings, not assets. In order to add a holding simply click the Asset in which you want to add the holding.

You can also sort Assets by Asset Class and Asset Tags.

add holding

From there, click the holding tab where you will find a list of holding already associated with the asset. In order to add a new holding simply click the '+Add Holding' button in the top right hand corner. holding 3

Finally, fill in details for the holding. At minimum, you must have a holding name, account, manager and inception date. You can also configure whether this asset has capital calls (and input the capital commitment.)


That's it! You can now go to the holding details and update transactions, enter market observations, manage capital calls view metrics for this asset. The holdings for the associated account will also show up in the account view, and the manager view.

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